Today, a medical engagement took place at Naw-abad, a village just a couple of kilometres from Camp Bastion. It was the second such clinic and was viewed as a big success by the local population. Over 30 men, 13 women and lots of children were treated with conditions such as joint pain, sore skin and upset stomachs. A minor operation which involved a tumour being removed from a local man's face was also conducted by the Afghan National Army (ANA) doctor, Colonel Durr Muhammad.

The ANA at Sharabak had been instrumental in advertising the Medical Engagement. During shuras, out on patrol and through the radio they had let locals know about the event.

The message had got out. Well over 20 people were assembled before the medical team and security forces arrived. People came by all mode of transport to the clinic...

Security was provided by Afghan National Army, Danish, US Marine and UK Forces. Here the RAF Regiment and RAF Police establish a search area.

Colonel Durr Muhammad checks with local elders that they are content for the female US doctor to visit the compounds to treat local women. The elders are content.

Doctor Michelle Lynch, from the US Marine Corps meets women and children at a compound. She treats local women for a variety of complaints, providing them with lots of multivitamins as well as other medication.

Some of the women visited were pregnant or had just given birth. Dr Lynch provided advice on antenatal care and breastfeeding.

A solar-powered water-purifier has recently been installed in the village. Sgt Jesper Neumann, the Danish medical clinician noted that this had resulted in a dramatic drop in kidney complaints.

Local children were given preventative medicine advice. A little girl was taught how to wash her hands.
Pictures: Sqn Ldr Dee Taylor
To see you guys performing modern day miracles, is TRULY amazing. May God bless you with courage, bravery, and above all peace and contentment and a safe journey home.
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