The Helmand blog is run by PJHQ and the team from UK Forces Media Ops. The team is located in Northwood in the UK and in Helmand at Camp Bastion and the Task Force Headquarters and works to support the coalition forces together with the other government departments such as the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Department for International Development. Contact Helmand Blog -
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Grenadier Guards support a Taliban reintegration shura
Soldiers from the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards' Queen's Company have recently helped the Afghan National Army hold a reintegration shura with members of the Taliban.
The aim of the event was to encourage members of the Taliban who are undecided as to their future or allegiance to come and meet the Afghan Government officials for the area and discuss their options for returning into accepted society.
The shura took place in Basharan in the Nad 'Ali district of Helmand province where the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards Battle Group has been operating.
The Grenadier Guards and their colleagues in the Afghan National Army made security plans and cleared nearby compounds early in the morning prior to the shura beginning.
40 Afghan people attended the event from fairly far afield and follow-up shuras are planned to take place over the next few weeks.
"To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war."
Progress - maybe next time the ANA can do it alone - and IF successful, can lead the way for troops to 'PULL OUT' (perhaps that is just wishful thinking) - however, as always, PROUD OF OUR TROOPS. x